You can prevent future breakdowns and extend the longevity of your home for decades with a couple of routine maintenance tasks in your custom home.
It is very exciting to walk inside of your custom home, especially right after you have finally settled in. After all, a brand new house is a joy that you have to cherish. While this property has no history besides its unique construction and current existence, it must also stand the test of time to be financially valuable. You can prevent future breakdowns and also extend the longevity of your home for decades with a couple of routine maintenance tasks. Read on to learn more!
Windows and Doors
Windows and doors are items you have to maintain. A leaky or stiff window or door can leak out the air you want to keep inside of your house. For example, wiping a silicone lubricant along your rigid windows can help ease the issue. For any leaks, you could seal them with weather strips, caulking, and much more.
Custom Roofing
The roofs of your custom home requires a good amount of attention. You should inspect for missing leaks, shingles, mold discoloration, mildew, fungus, or other kinds of damage. Also, inspect your vent pipes and the metal pipes that stick outside of your roof for any other kinds of damage.
The Walls in Your Custom Home
As time passes, the walls inside of your custom home will experience wear and tear and aging. A dent or any rubbed-off paint might be inevitable. However, sanding, caulking, or repainting is a successful and fast way to fix up your property.
HVAC System
One other routine maintenance task for custom homes is your HVAC unit. Your heating or air conditioning system requires consistent maintenance to keep working at its maximum. Make sure you swap out the air filters every two to three months and reach out to a professional to help clear out the air ducts and evaluate for rust and other issues. Last, do not forget your custom home’s landscape. Keep the landscape clean by trimming the trees and shrubbery around three inches from your house. Also, keep tree branches from ever extending over your house’s roof, and water your plants to keep them growing and thriving! Call today to learn how we can help with home maintenance tips after your custom home has been built.
Do You Still Have Questions? Call Cedar Square Homes Today!
Whether you are ready to start the custom building home journey or you still have more questions, the trained professionals at Cedar Square Homes are here to help you out. We are beloved throughout Maryland and beyond for our attentive service and affordable home remodeling and building prices. We proudly serve Anne Arundel County. Visit us online or call us at 410-987-9771. To see more examples of our work and helpful tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Cedar Square Homes MBR #41 MHIC #27095