The landscaping around the edges of your custom home can help influence the attractiveness of its exterior.
The landscaping around the edges of your custom home can help influence the attractiveness of its exterior. Believe it or not, fall landscaping is even more important than you might expect. In fact, landscaping techniques are important all year round, but cold weather has different effects than warm weather. Here now is a look at what you should think about in terms of your next landscaping project before you get started.
Protects Your Yard From Potential Hazards
Two of the most common landscaping techniques are pruning and trimming. Your custom home can benefit from both of them, even if at first they may not seem necessary. The roof and eaves of your house need to be protected from the trees that surround them. This scenario isn’t as outlandish as it sounds – dead and overgrown branches can cause damage when you aren’t expecting it. The shed and garage also deserve to have this kind of respectful treatment. By doing all of this, you can also ensure that energy meters and power lines are not affected whenever a powerful autumn storm knocks over trees in your neighborhood. Landscape lighting features can also be safeguarded against ice damage once winter comes back.
Help Ensure Your Plants Thrive
Spring and summer are the traditional growth periods. That said, there are going to be some plants, bushes, trees, and vegetation that flourish during the fall. You’ve got to do what you can to take care of them as well. Pruning and trimming get rid of any old or diseased parts of the plant so that the rest of the plant can thrive. Plus, new growth is encouraged while common lawn pests are discouraged. It’s also important to note that completing landscaping tasks such as these is far easier to do in the fall and sometimes in the winter as well. In the end, look at this way: all your pruning and trimming efforts are in service to making your plants stronger once the cold goes away and warmth returns.
Pruning Makes Sure All Plants Look Great
As we have alluded to before in multiple places, landscaping is one of the most important ways to make the most of your custom home investment. This is the time of year when everything starts to turn brown – but there will be astonishing shades of red, yellow, and orange along the way. That captivating aesthetic can be even more enjoyable when you curate your home’s landscape and hardscaping features. There will be less stress on all of your greenery, and in the springtime, they will bloom more beautifully than ever before!
Questions? Call Cedar Square Homes Today!
Whether you are ready to start the custom building home process, or you still have more questions, the trained professionals at Cedar Square Homes are here to help you out. We are beloved throughout Maryland and beyond for our attentive service and affordable home remodeling and building prices. We proudly serve Pasadena, Annapolis, and Anne Arundel County. Visit us online or give us a call at 410-987-9771. To see more examples of our work and for helpful tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Cedar Square Homes MHIC #27095